This is it. Blog 100. Hard to believe. Sorry it has taken me a few weeks to get here. Been real busy getting customer quilts ready for Christmas. 2 t-shirt quilt to do from scratch and I will be finished. YEAH!!! Then to my projects for Christmas presents for the family. Journal covers, pillow cases and more pillowcases. What can I say. Then after Christmas I get to quilt on my own quilts. YEAH!! I know I have 5 or 6 tops to finish.
Anyway I bet you are wondering what I am going to give away. I have been wondering the same thing. LOL. Ok, here it is a fabric basket with a bakers dozen of fat quarters. Here are the rules. Leave a commit on this message, make sure it has your e-mail, so I can contact you when you win. I will wait 1 week, that means next Friday, I will draw the winning name.
Happy Quilting,