My son is a boy scout and will probably be one all his life. LOL. He loves it. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow. For you non scouters, this is where they get into the Indian lour and do larger service projects. This summer they had a very large service project. It was called Arrow Corp 5.
They had 5 locations around the country where they helped the forestry department. William went to Jackson Hole Wy. They made a new trail in the Grand Tetons. Their goal was 10 miles and they made 12 miles of trail. This was such a good trip for him.
Anyway, I know you are wonder what this has to do with quilting. While he was gone, my birthday came. He brought me a present back. FABRIC. 5 yards of the orange and 4 yards of the blue. I still cant believe it. He found a quilt store, Stitch 'n Time, and went in and bought me fabric all by him self. He did not ask for help, he said he just looked for something that was different from any he had seen at home. Good idea. By the way he is 20. What beautiful fabrics. I ask him what he wanted made from it. LOL. He wants and Indian Ribbon shirt from the blue. OK. not a problem. It only takes 3 yards for the shirt, so I get the left overs for my stash. Hope I get to use it on Bonnies next mystery quilt. I need suggestions on how to use the orange. I dont want to cut it up too much, it has such a beautiful scene on it.
What a wonderful birthday this year.