Monday, February 7, 2011


No pictures tonite.  Life has been crazy.  DH painted our bedroom. took all the furniture out and was going to have the carpet cleaned.  Well, said carpet is too bad to clean, so ordered new carpet.  Another week living out of the laundry basket.  Furniture on the back porch and drawers and bedding stacked in the living/dining room.  DH pulled all the old carpet out, still have to empty the closet. How many shoes do you have??  I dont want to count. LOL. found tons of yarn under the bed.  some I knew about, some I forgot about.  I am sleeping in the spare bedroom.  At least I have a bed to sleep in.  DH is sleeping on the couch, his choice. There is room upstairs.  I feel so disoriented.

Stuffed 168 envelopes of confirmations to QSC spring meeting.  Took hours.  Had to make sure those taking classes got the correct inserts.  Will have about 70-100 more to do by next week end.  the dead line is Feb.18, for those of you that are interested.  Then I made 10 of the gifts we are giving out at the meeting.  Cant show or tell you what they are.  It is a Surprise.  You will like it.  Still need to come up with a block for the block challenge.  Will have to put the thinking cap on, after the bedroom is back together. 

Went to get a new cell phone last week.  They talked me into an LG android.  Dont really like it.  every time I answer the thing, I cut the person off and have to call them back.  I wanted a Blackberry.  Went back today and they were out of Blackberry's. Will try again later this week.  What a week and a day;

And then, the super bowl.  Singers?????  people, learn to sing.  Where is Kate Smith.  Or change the National Anthem to God Bless America.  this is my pet peeve for today. LOL

Life is Good.

Happy Quilting.


vivian said...

Hope things calm down for you!!

Anonymous said...

Laughing as I read how your life is turned upside down. Boy do I commiserate! Still trying to get comfortable here in the new diggs.

My registration for spring meeting is in. Thinking of staying at a hotel Friday night. The drive is a bit longer than it used to be.....