Friday, October 8, 2010


Finally I have an update on the Omigosh for you, a picture. Dont look at the dirty board cover.   I have rows made.... Yeah!!!  I even sewed some together in pairs last nite.  It takes forever to sew the pairs together.  I am pinning at every seam to match it up properly and believe me there are lots of seams.


Rachel said...

You are seriously my hero for even attempting this quilt!! I tried to find the pattern, but it wasn't easy to track down, then I got scared of it and ran away!! LOL I thought it might make a good 'leader/ender' quilt to do as I am doing other quilts. But all those small pieces scare me.


Vicki said...

thanks Rachel, I enjoy your blog, Stash Manicure, too.

Shakerwood said...

Keep plugging away at it. You've gotten too far to slow down now!! I'm cheering you on. I want to see it finished by the Spring meeting.